Thursday, November 25, 2010

karacoma 2nd album preproduction

the starting stage for 2nd album . it took 2 days to set everything up at Starmaker . alot of sorting out to do because we had to move our gear in ..

Day 1 (Drum Tracking) - We started this recording session quite late due to alot of setting up to do . sorting out cables, tuning , and especially trouble shooting which is a total nightmare when u get no input signal from the mics .

Day1 - Rehearsing the new songs before we start drum tracking

Day1 - Rehearsing the new songs before start drum tracking

Day2 .. Changing the mics for the overhead makes alot of difference to the drum tone .. finally everyone is satisfy with the tone

Day2 ( drum tracking) - the overhead mics that saved the whole session .. we also changed the kick mics to akg d112 and senheiser md421

day2 (drum tracking)

Day3 (vocal tracking)

Day3 (vocal tracking)

Day3 (vocal tracking)

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